Village Condominium Association

Edith Wharton's Gardens
by J. F. Weiler

The garden magic of Italian gardens inspired Edith Wharton to design her own Italian garden at her new home, The Mount, in Lenox, Massachusetts. A long Lime Tree Allée (walkway) connects a formal French flower garden and a walled Italian-style giardino segreto (hidden garden). Sounds of the splashing fountain help the Italian garden to soothe and charm the visitor. It is one of the most engaging gardens I have visited!

Her Italian garden demonstrates design theories that Wharton developed when she wrote Italian Villas and their Gardens in 1904. She opens her book saying, “The Italian garden does not exist for its flowers; its flowers exist for it… .” True to her book, the lovely white Hosta Royal Standard is the dominant flower in the giardino segreto. Some of the Village gardens also have Royal Standards! The simplicity of the floral design intensifies the beauty. Form and structure were uppermost in her mind as she wrote, and the gardens clearly show her skill of putting theory to work. An interesting aside is that she paid for the Italian garden with the royalties from her novel The House of Mirth.

Edith’s gardens are unique, well worth the trip. For more info, visit For my photos visit Village Chatter group online or

On a personal note, I will write the Garden Column as time permits. I have been working too hard in the garden and will soon have hip replacement surgery.

The French Flower Garden at the Mount, Lenox, Mass.
Photos by J.F. Weiler
The Italian Garden (Giardino segreto) at Edith Wharton's Lenox home