Village Condominium Association

Fall's Flowers
by J. F. Weiler

Sunflower grown from Burpee Seeds
Photos by J.F. Weiler
Heavenly Blue morning glory

The impending first frost always intensifies the beauty of our garden flowers for me. The Heavenly Blue morning glories stay open all day as the temperatures drop. The bumblebees now wait till the afternoon sun has warmed the pollen-laden flowers before visiting. My red-purple sedums are a real bee magnet! Best of all are the towering sunflowers whose heads follow the sun on its daily journey westward. Beautiful until the squirrels climb the stem and decapitate the yellow-gold head! Besides myself, the garden has many visitors including bees, butterflies, dragonflies and at nighttime a chorus of chirping crickets. And the spider’s ornate webs always trigger fun memories of reading the children’s book Charlotte’s Web.

Charlotte's Web

Michael Sims has just written The Story of Charlotte’s Web: E. B. White’s Eccentric Life in Nature and the Birth of an American Classic. I was pleased to find out that our eight-year-old neighbor recently read Charlotte's Web in school. First published in 1952, it is still being enjoyed by children! Sims’s book documents how a writer creates. He also describes E. B. White’s barnyard population, which includes some of the visitors to our own Village gardens.

Fresh Eggs

Straight from the chicken to you! The Gore Place Farm Stand sells really fresh eggs. You can see the chickens that lay your eggs, some are running around loose, taking dust baths, etc. The eggs are various hues of color, depending on which chicken laid the egg. The yokes are a deep yellow and the eggs taste great! For more information phone 781-894-2798 or visit

Trees & Gardens

Hemlock Hill, Arnold Arboretum photograph © Joseph Flack Weiler

Harvard University’s Arnold Arboretum will exhibit my Trees & Gardens photography exhibit from October 29 to December 18.
The twenty-four black & white photographs explore the 19th-century Boston Parks movement’s impact on today’s parks. An artist’s reception will be held on Saturday, November 5th, from 1 to 3 pm. For more information phone 617-384-5209 or visit I hope to see you there!

Written for the Oct. 2011Village Newsletter.